“We are often our biggest critic but yet avoid criticism.” -Brian Kight

Who are the most important people you talk to in a typical day? Your spouse, parents, siblings, friends or coaches? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are wrong. The correct answer is “Yourself”! Many of us say things to ourselves that we would never say to others.
To change your life for the better try:
1- Instead of being a negative critic choose to be a positive coach to yourself. The voice we listen to matters. For example: Don’t think of an elephant. Seriously, don’t think of an elephant. What did you just do? You thought of an elephant. It’s the same reason why a golfer who says to himself, “don’t slice the ball” usually slices the ball! Your thoughts matter. The old saying goes, “those who think they can and those who think they can’t are both right.” Choose to be positive.
2- Be coachable. I once heard legendary football coach Lou Holtz speak and he said, “Listen up! I’ve been 21 before but you haven’t been 65.” We can learn a great deal from others but we have to LISTEN! That’s why spending each day reading or listening to podcasts is vital to your development. Realize that those who are instructing you, usually are the ones who care about you the most.
Coach Nelson serves as a high school football coach who is pursuing his doctorate in Sport and Performance Psychology. He has worked for division 1 athletic departments, professional sport franchises, a Fortune 100 Company and has won numerous awards for his LEADership abilities.
His mission is to positively influence the world through Love, Effort, Attitude and Discipline (#LEAD). To learn more about the LEAD philosophy follow him on Twitter Levi Nelson or reach out via email at rln10@zips.uakron.edu He’d love to learn about or help you in your journey!
Today’s LEAD Blog was inspired by:
Williams, J. M. & Krane, V. (2015). Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance (7th Ed.)
Dr. Jonathan Fader’s book, “Life as Sport”
Justin Su’a (Mental Performance Coach of the Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Browns)
Best selling Author Jon Gordon
Brian Kight, CEO of Focus 3
Lou Holtz, National Championship Football Coach