I didn’t do anything to deserve this

Levi Nelson
2 min readAug 4, 2021


My mother is notorious for being a great gift giver. It’s one of her love languages, and it’s something that I and countless of many others have greatly benefited from. Recently, she gifted my wife and me a very generous check for helping her clean out my grandmother’s house and getting it ready to sell.

After looking at the zeros on the check and picking my jaw up off the floor, I shared with my mother, “I don’t deserve this.” After all, it was just about a half day’s work, and in my mind that’s just what families do, help each other. My wife added to the conversation that she was at home looking after our newborn baby and wasn’t even there. “I truly didn’t do anything to deserve this,” my wife said; however, my mother insisted that we keep the money. At that moment, all we could do was just accept her gift and feel incredibly grateful.

Often we forget that Jesus did more than write a check; he died on the cross for our sins when we did nothing to deserve it. In fact, we often live or have done things in our past that are completely disobedient to him. The next time you receive an extraordinary gift, take a moment to truly appreciate that feeling, and remember that Christ’s gift to us is so much more than that. It is the greatest gift in the world, the gift of grace.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8

Coach Nelson holds a doctorate in sport and performance psychology and currently serves as a high school football coach, trainer for the positive coaching alliance (PCA) and adjunct faculty member at Grand Canyon University. He has worked for multiple professional sport franchises, a Fortune 100 Company, a division 1 athletic departments and has won numerous awards for his LEADership abilities.

His mission is to positively influence the world through Love, Effort, Attitude and Discipline (#LEAD). To learn more about the LEAD philosophy follow him on Twitter Levi Nelson or reach out via email at rln10@zips.uakron.edu He’d love to learn about or help you in your journey!

PCA: https://www.positivecoach.org/team/nelson-levi/



Levi Nelson

My mission is to positively influence the world through Love, Effort, Attitude and Discipline. #LEAD