“Always reinvent, reinvest and re-engage.”-Dabo Swinney

Levi Nelson
2 min readFeb 7, 2019


I’ve spent a great deal of time developing my own coaching philosophy, to positively impact the world through Love, Effort, Attitude and Discipline (#LEAD). The importance of ones coaching philosophy is paramount to his or her success as a true core philosophy guides and directs behavior, thus impacting those under a coaches supervision. While it is vital to develop a coaching philosophy and imperative to implement it into ones coaching practice; the ability to review, evaluate and build upon a coaching philosophy is of critical importance.

Here are specific and observable behaviors we implemented last year to fulfill the #LEAD philosophy within our program:

Starting with the first mandatory practice, we begin developing our LEADers manuals. Before practice begins, athletes complete mental skills training and then write down three things in which he or she is thankful for. Then coaches lead a 15-minute character development exercise based off of words that are our “theme” or focus for the day. Prior to the 2018 season, I had always led the discussions (allowing assistant coaches the platform to teach on character fostered growth and ownership in our program) and incorporated random character words. Even though these words were positive traits, they did not necessarily relate to our core #LEAD principles. Last season we only included words that related to our core principles such as: (a) service and humility (Love); (b) juice and persistence (Effort); © handling adversity and mental toughness (attitude); and (d) consistency and focus (discipline).

At the top of our practice plan, we then incorporate the theme for the day and include an action plan on how to how incorporate that specific coaching behavior into that days practice. For example, to foster positive relationships during a themed attitude day, a coach might make a goal to give 25 high-fives, or if the theme was effort the coach could make it a goal to run from drill to drill, encouraging athletes to do the same, etc.

Regardless of an individuals coaching philosophy he or she must live out its core principles rather than simply talking about them or hanging a mission statement on the wall.

Coach Nelson serves as a high school football coach who is pursuing his doctorate in Sport and Performance Psychology. He has worked for a division 1 athletic department, professional sport franchises, a Fortune 100 Company and has won numerous awards for his LEADership abilities.

His mission is to positively influence the world through Love, Effort, Attitude and Discipline (#LEAD). To learn more about the LEAD philosophy follow him on Twitter Levi Nelson or reach out via email at rln10@zips.uakron.edu He’d love to learn about or help you in your journey!



Levi Nelson
Levi Nelson

Written by Levi Nelson

My mission is to positively influence the world through Love, Effort, Attitude and Discipline. #LEAD

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